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0.6~1kV XLPE 電纜技術(shù)
額定電壓0.6/1KV交聯(lián)聚乙烯絕緣聚氯乙烯護套電力電纜 一、產(chǎn)品標準 GB/T 12706.1 GB/T 19666 二、產(chǎn)品特性 2.1 最高額定溫度:正常運行為 90℃ 2.2 短路(最長(cháng)持續5秒)為250℃ 2.3 最佳敷設環(huán)境溫度:空氣中 25℃ ;土壤中15℃ 2.4 直埋敷設深度按國家標準執行 2.5 土壤熱阻系數按國家標準執行 2.6 電纜不受敷設位差的限制,電纜敷設時(shí)的環(huán)境溫度應不低于0℃ 2.7 鋼帶鎧裝單芯電纜僅適用于直流線(xiàn)路。 2.8 阻燃A,B,C級電纜的標稱(chēng)絕緣厚度,鎧裝尺寸,電纜外徑和重量以及載流量。推薦值為與相應的常規產(chǎn)品相近,可參考。 三、電纜型號和產(chǎn)品表示方法 3.1代號表示 3.1.1導體代號 銅導體……………………………………………………………………….T(省略) 鋁導體……………………………………………………………………….L 3.1.2絕緣代號 聚氯乙烯絕緣……………………………………………………………V 交聯(lián)聚乙烯絕緣………………………………………………………..YJ 乙丙橡膠絕緣……………………………………………………………E 3.1.3護套代號 聚氯乙烯護套……………………………………………………………V 聚乙烯或聚烯烴護套………………………………………………...Y 金屬鉑復合護套………………………………………………………..A 3.1.4鎧裝代號 雙鋼帶鎧裝……………………………………………………………….2 細圓鋼絲鎧裝……………………………………………………………3 粗圓鋼絲鎧裝……………………………………………………………4 (雙)非磁性金屬帶鎧裝………………………………………...6 非磁性金屬絲鎧裝…………………………………………………….7 3.1.5外護套代號 聚氯乙烯外護套………………………………………………………..2 聚乙烯或聚烯烴外護套…………………………………………….3 彈性體外護套……………………………………………………………4 3.1.6特性代號 阻燃A類(lèi)………………………………………………………………….ZA 阻燃B 類(lèi)…………………………………………………………………ZB 阻燃C類(lèi)………………………………………………………………….ZC 無(wú)鹵…………………………………………………………………………W 低煙………………………………………………………………………….D 耐火………………………………………………………………………….N 3.2 產(chǎn)品型號 3.3 產(chǎn)品表示辦法 例如: (1)銅芯聚乙烯絕緣聚氯乙烯護套阻燃C類(lèi)電力電纜,額定電壓0.6/1KV,三芯, 標稱(chēng)截面為185mm2,表示為:ZC-YJV-0.6/1KV-3*185mm2 GB/T 12706.1-2008 (2)鋁芯聚乙烯絕緣鋼帶鎧裝低煙無(wú)鹵聚烯烴護套阻燃A類(lèi)電力電纜,額定電壓0.6/1KV,4+1芯,標稱(chēng)截面為:4*240+1*120mm2表示為: WDZA-YJLY22-0.6/1KV-4*300+1*150mm2 GB/T 12706.1-2008 四、產(chǎn)品結構 4.1 產(chǎn)品結構圖 規格型號: N-YJV-0.6/1kV-3*185+2*95mm2
規格型號: N-YJV-0.6/1kV-3*185+2*95mm2 規格型號: YJV-0.6/1kV-3*185+2*95mm2
規格型號: YJV22-0.6/1kV-4*185+1*95mm2 4.2 產(chǎn)品結構 4.2.1 電纜導體:由多股銅線(xiàn)絞合而成,具有良好的彎曲性能和導電性能; 4.2.2 耐火層:導體和絕緣層之間繞包耐火云母帶。云母帶是以玻璃絲布為骨架,用有機硅漆粘合云母紙,并經(jīng)烘焙后制成,其熔點(diǎn)為1200-1300℃; 4.2.3 絕緣層:采用聚乙烯絕緣層,允許長(cháng)期工作溫度不超過(guò)90℃; 4.2.4 填充: 電纜填充采用非吸濕性材料,具備不易收縮、不腐蝕等特點(diǎn);普通電纜一般采用聚丙烯網(wǎng)狀填充繩,阻燃電纜采用玻璃纖維繩,無(wú)機紙繩; 4.2.5 內襯層:內襯層材料為非吸濕性材料,并與電纜絕緣相兼容。內襯層厚度的最小值應不小于標稱(chēng)值的80%。擠包的內襯層應不粘連絕緣線(xiàn)芯,繞包的內襯層應采用雙層或多層重疊繞包。 4.2.6 鋼帶鎧裝層:由厚度0.05mm,寬度45mm,鋅層重量40g/m2的鍍鋅鋼帶繞包于絕緣層和外護套之間; 4.2.7 外護套:由聚氯乙烯PVC或聚乙烯PE材料制成,PVC允許長(cháng)期工作溫度為70℃,PE允許 0.6~1kV PVC 電纜技術(shù)
額定電壓0.6/1KV聚氯乙烯絕緣聚氯乙烯護套電力電纜 一、產(chǎn)品標準 GB/T 12706.1 GB/T 19666 二、產(chǎn)品特性: 1、電纜導體允許長(cháng)期工作溫度不超過(guò)70℃; 2、短路時(shí)(最長(cháng)持續時(shí)間不超過(guò)5秒),電纜導體的最高溫度不超過(guò)160℃; 3、電纜敷設時(shí)的環(huán)境溫度應不低于0℃; 三、電纜型號和產(chǎn)品表示方法 3.1代號表示 3.1.1導體代號 銅導體…………………………………………………………………..T(省略) 鋁導體……………………………………………………………………L 3.1.2絕緣代號 聚氯乙烯絕緣…………………………………………………………V 3.1.3護套代號 聚氯乙烯護套…………………………………………………………V 聚乙烯或聚烯烴護套……………………………………………...Y 金屬鉑復合護套……………………………………………………..A 3.1.4鎧裝代號 雙鋼帶鎧裝……………………………………………………………..2 細圓鋼絲鎧裝………………………………………………………….3 粗圓鋼絲鎧裝………………………………………………………….4 (雙)非磁性金屬帶鎧裝……………………………………….6 非磁性金屬絲鎧裝…………………………………………………..7 3.1.5外護套代號 聚氯乙烯外護套………………………………………………………2 聚乙烯或聚烯烴外護套…………………………………………..3 彈性體外護套………………………………………………………….4 3.1.6特性代號 阻燃A類(lèi)…………………………………………………………………ZA 阻燃B 類(lèi)………………………………………………………………..ZB 阻燃C類(lèi)………………………………………………………………….ZC 耐火………………………………………………………………………….N 3.2.產(chǎn)品型號 3.3產(chǎn)品表示方法: 例如: (1)銅芯聚氯乙烯絕緣鋼帶鎧裝聚氯乙烯護套阻燃C類(lèi)電力電纜,額定電壓0.6/1KV ,4芯, 標稱(chēng)截面為240mm2,表示為:ZC-VV22-0.6/1KV-4*240mm2 GB/T12706.1-2008 (2)鋁芯聚氯乙烯絕緣鋼絲鎧裝聚氯乙烯護套阻燃A類(lèi)電力電纜,額定電壓0.6/1KV,4+1芯,標稱(chēng)截面為:4*300+1*150mm2表示為: ZA-VLV32-0.6/1KV-4*300+1*150mm2 GB/T12706.1-2008 四、產(chǎn)品結構 4.1產(chǎn)品結構圖 規格型號: VV-0.6/1kV -1*630mm2 規格型號: VV22-0.6/1kV -4*240+1*120mm2 規格型號: VV-0.6/1kV -4*150+1*70mm2
規格型號: VLV-0.6/1kV-4*300+1*150mm2 規格型號: VV-0.6/1kV-4*150+1*70mm2 規格型號: VV22-0.6/1kV-4*185+1*95mm2 4.2產(chǎn)品結構 4.2.1、電纜導體:由多股銅線(xiàn)絞合而成,具有良好的彎曲性能和導電性能; 4.2.2、耐火層:導體和絕緣層之間繞包耐火云母帶。云母帶是以玻璃絲布為骨架,用有機硅漆粘合云母紙,并經(jīng)烘焙后制成,其熔點(diǎn)為1200-1300℃; 4.2.3、絕緣層:采用聚氯乙烯絕緣層,允許長(cháng)期工作溫度不超過(guò)70℃; 4.2.4、填充:填充材料采用非吸濕性材料,緊密無(wú)空隙,電纜成纜后外形應圓滑。 4.2.5、內襯層:內襯層材料應是非吸濕性材料,且適合電纜的運行溫度并與電纜絕緣相兼容。擠包或繞包內襯層厚度的最小值應不小于標稱(chēng)值的80%。擠包的內襯層應不粘連絕緣線(xiàn)芯,繞包的內襯層應采用雙層或多層重疊繞包。 4.2.6、鋼帶鎧裝層:由厚度0.05mm,寬度45mm,鋅層重量40g/m2的鍍鋅鋼帶繞包于絕緣層和外護套之間; 4.2.7、外護套:由聚氯乙烯PVC或聚乙烯PE材料制成,PVC允許長(cháng)期工作溫度為70℃,PE允許長(cháng)期工作溫度為90℃; 0.6~1kV XLPE cable
Rated voltage of 0.6/1KV XLPE insulated PVC sheathed power cable product introduction 1 Product Standards GB/T 12706.1 GB/T 19666 2 Product Features 2.1 The cable conductor is allowed to operate at a temperature not exceeding 90℃, 2.2 Short circuit (the longest duration of not more than 5 seconds), the maximum temperature of the cable conductor can not be higher than 250℃; 2.3 A mbient temperature can not be lower than 0℃, when cable is being installed. 2.4、推薦的允許彎曲半徑如下:Min bending radius allowed is as below. 電纜安裝時(shí)的最小彎曲半徑 Minimum bending radius when cable installed
3 Cable Type and Description 3.1 Code 3.1.1Conductor Copper conductor……………………………………………………………...T(Ommission) Aluminum conductor………………………………………………………….L 3.1.2 insulation PVC insulation…………………………………………………………………….V XLPE insulation……………………………………………………………………YJ EPR insulation……………………………………………………………………..E 3.1.3 Sheath PVC sheath…………………………………………………………………………V PE sheath…………………………………………………………………………….Y Metallic foil composite sheath…………………………………………….A 3.1.4 Armored Double tape armored………………………………………………………….2 Fine steel wire armoured…………………………………………………….3 Thick steel wire armored……………………………………..……………..4 (Double)Non-magnetic metallic belt armored ……………………6 Non-magnetic metallic wire armored………………………………….7 3.1.5Outer sheath PVC outer sheath………………………………………………………………..2 PE outer sheath………………………………………………………………….3 Elastomeric outer sheath……………………………………………………4 3.1.6Features Flame retardant class A………………………………………………….…ZA Flame retardant class B…………………………………………………….ZB Flame retardant class C………………………………………………..…..ZC Halogen free……………………………………………………………………..W Low smoke………………………………………………………………………..D Refractory…………………………………………………………………………N 3.2 Type 3.3 Product Description Description of product model(Conductor, insulation, armour layer, outer sheath, rated voltage), specification (core, nominal cross-section) and standard code. For example: Copper core PE insulated and PVC sheathed flame retardant class C power cable, rated voltage 0.6/1KV, three core, nominal cross section is 185mm2, which is expressed as: GB/T 12706.1-2008 ZC-YJV-0.6/1KV-3*185mm2 Aluminum conductor XLPE insulated steel tape armored low smoke halogen-free polyolefin sheathed flame retardant a power cable, rated voltage 0.6/1kv, 4+1 core, nominal cross-sectional area of: 4*240+1*120mm2 is expressed as: GB/T 12706.1-2008 WDZA-YJLY22-0.6/1KV-4*300+1*150mm2 4 Product Structure 4.1 Product structure diagram Specification Model: N-YJV-0.6/1kV-4*185+1*95mm2
Specification Model: N-YJV-0.6/1kV-4*185+1*95mm2 Specification Model: N-YJV-0.6/1kV-3*185+2*95mm2
Specification Model: N-YJV22-0.6/1kV-4*185+1*95mm2 4.2Product structure 4.2.1 Cable conductor: by multi strand copper wire twisted, with bending performance and good electrical conductivity; 4.2.2 Refractory layer: wrapped refractory mica tape between the conductor and the insulating layer Mica tape is with glass fiber cloth as skeleton, with silicone paint adhesive mica paper, and made after baking. Its melting point for 1200-1300 deg. C; 4.2.3 Insulation: using of PE insulation layer, allowing long-term working temperature is not more than 90 deg C; 4.2.4 Steel tape armoring layer: by 0.05 mm thickness, width of 45mm, zinc coating weights 40g / m2 to the galvanized strip around wrapped in between the insulating layer and an outer sheath; 4.2.5 Inner lining layer: inner lining material should be non absorbent material, and suitable for the temperature of cable and cable insulation compatibility. The minimum value of the thickness of the extrusion or winding inner lining layer shall be not less than 80% of the nominal value. The inner lining layer of the Extrusion and cladding should not adhesion insulated wire core, and the inner lining layer of the winding should adopt the double layer or multilayer overlapping winding. 4.2.6 Steel tape armoring layer: using 0.05 mm thickness, width of 45mm, zinc coating weights 40g / m2 to the galvanized strip around wrapped in between the insulating layer and an outer sheath; 4.2.7 Outer sheath: made of polyvinyl chloride PVC or PE material, PVC allows a long-term operating temperature of 70 degrees Celsius, PE allows a long-term operating temperature of 90 degrees Celsius; 0.6~1kV PVC cable
Rated voltage of 0.6/1KV PVC insulated PVC sheathed power cable product introduction 1 Product Standards GB/T 12706.1 GB/T 19666 2 Product Features 2.1 The cable conductor is allowed to operate at a temperature not exceeding 70℃, 2.2 Short circuit (the longest duration of not more than 5 seconds), the maximum temperature of the cable conductor can not be higher than 160 ℃; 2.3 A mbient temperature can not be lower than 0℃, when cable is being installed. 2.4、推薦的允許彎曲半徑如下:Min bending radius allowed is as below. 電纜安裝時(shí)的最小彎曲半徑 Minimum bending radius when cable installed
3 Cable type and description 3.1 Code 3.1.1 Conductor Copper conductor ……………………………….…………………………….T Aluminum conductor ……………………………………………………….. L 3.1.2 Insulation PVC insulation …………………………………………………………..……....V 3.1.3 Sheath PVC sheath ………………………………………………………………..……….V PE sheath ………………………………………………………………..……..…..Y Metallic foil composite sheath ………………………….……..…….…..A 3.1.4 Armored Double tape armored ………………………………………………..……..…2 Fine steel wire armored …………………………………………..……….3 Thick steel wire armored ………………………………………..……..…....4 (Double)non-magnetic metallic belt armored ………………..…….6 Non-magnetic metallic wire armored ………………………..……..….7 3.1.5 Outer sheath PVC outer sheath……………………………………..……..……..……..………2 PE outer sheath ………………………..…………..……..……..……..……..….3 Elastomeric outer sheath ……………………..……..……..……..……..…..4 3.1.6 Features Flame retardant class A……………………..……..……..…………………….ZA Flame retardant class B……………………..……..……..…………………….ZB Flame retardant class C……………………..……..……………………………ZC Refractory…………………………………………..……..……..……..……..……..N 3.2 Type 3.3 Product Description Description of product model(Conductor, insulation, armour layer, outer sheath, rated voltage), specification (core, nominal cross-section) and standard code. For example: Copper conductor, PVC insulated, steel tape armored PVC sheathed flame retardant class C power cable, rated voltage 0.6/1kv. Four cores nominal cross 240mm2, expressed as: GB/T12706.1-2008 ZC-VV22-0.6/1KV-4*240mm2 Aluminum conductor, PVC insulated, steel wire armored and PVC sheathed flame retardant a power cables, rated voltage 0.6/1kv, 4+1 core, nominal cross-sectional area of: 4*300+1*150mm2 is expressed as: GB/T12706.1-2008 ZA-VLV32-0.6/1KV-4*300+1*150mm2 4 Product Structure 4.1 Product structure diagram Specification Model:VV-0.6/1kV -1*630mm2 Specification Model:VV22-0.6/1kV -4*240+1*120mm2 Specification Model:VV-0.6/1kV -4*150+1*70mm2 Specification Model:VLV-0.6/1kV-4*300+1*150mm2 Specification Model:VV-0.6/1kV-4*150+1*70mm2 Specification Model:VV22-0.6/1kV-4*185+1*95mm2 4.2 Product Structure 4.2.1 Cable conductor: by multi strand copper wire twisted, with bending performance and good electrical conductivity; 4.2.2 Refractory layers: wrapped refractory mica tape between the conductor and the insulating layer Mica tape is with glass fiber cloth as skeleton, with silicone paint adhesive mica paper, and made after baking. Its melting point for 1200-1300 degrees Celsius.; 4.2.3 Insulation: using of PVC insulation layer, allowing long-term working emperature is not more than 70 degrees Celsius; 4.2.4 Filling: filling material using non absorbent material, close without gaps, cable should be smooth after the cabling forming process. 4.2.5 Inner lining layer: inner lining material should be non absorbent material, and suitable for the temperature of cable and cable insulation compatibility. The minimum value of the thickness of the extrusion or winding inner lining layer shall be not less than 80% of the nominal value. The inner lining layer of the Extrusion and cladding should not adhesion insulated wire core, and the inner lining layer of the winding should adopt the double layer or multilayer overlapping winding. 4.2.6 Steel tape armoring layer: by 0.05 mm thickness, width of 45mm, zinc coating weights 40g / m2 to the galvanized strip around wrapped in between the insulating layer and an outer sheath; 4.2.7 Outer sheath: made of PVC or PE material, PVC allows a long-term operating temperature is 70 degrees Celsius, PE allows a long-term operating temperature is 90 degrees Celsius; 聚氯乙烯絕緣電纜
額定電壓1KV(Um=1.2KV)聚氯乙烯絕緣電纜 Power cables with PVC insulated for rated voltage 1KV(Um=1.2KV) 一、產(chǎn)品使用范圍及產(chǎn)品標準Product Application Scope and Standards本產(chǎn)品使用于額定電壓UO/U為1KV(Um=1.2KV)的配電網(wǎng)或工業(yè)裝置中。 This product is applicable for rated voltage 1KV(Um=1.2KV) power distribution network or industrial equipment. 產(chǎn)品標準Product Standards: GB/T12706.1、GB/T 19666 二、電纜代號表示方法 Cable Code and Description1、代號 Materials code (By material characteristic code) 導體代號Conductor 銅導體Copper conducter…………………………………………………………..…T(省略Omission) 鋁導體 Aluminum Conductor…………………….………………………………………………………….L 絕緣代號 Insulation 聚氯乙烯絕緣PVC Insulated..………..……………………………………………………………………..V 金屬屏蔽代號 Metallic shield 銅線(xiàn)編織屏蔽 Braided shield………………………………………………….………………………….…P 銅帶屏蔽 Copper tape shield………………………………………………………………….……………..P2 護套代號 Sheath 聚氯乙烯護套 PVC Sheath……………………………………………………………………………………V 聚乙烯或聚烯烴護套 PE Sheath……………………………………………………………………………Y 金屬箔復合護套 Metallic foil composite sheath…………………………………………………….A 鎧裝代號 Armoured 雙鋼帶鎧裝 Double tape armoured………………………………………………………………………..2 細鋼絲鎧裝Fine Steel wire armored……………………………………………………………………….3 粗鋼絲鎧裝Thick Steel wire armored……………………………………………………………………..4 (雙)非磁性金屬帶鎧裝Non-magnetic metallic wire armoured………………………….6 非磁性金屬帶鎧絲Non-magnetic metallic wire armoured………………………….………….7 外護套代號Outer Sheath 聚氯乙烯外護套 PVC outer sheath……………………………………………………………………..….2 聚乙烯或聚烯烴外護套PE outer sheath…………………………………………………………………3 彈性體外護套 Elastomer outer sheath……………………………………………………………………4 特性代號Features 軟結構(移動(dòng)敷設)Soft structure(mobile installation)……………………………………R 阻燃A類(lèi) Flame restardant A…………………………………………………………………………………ZA 阻燃B類(lèi) Flame restardant B…………………………………………………………………………………ZB 阻燃C類(lèi) Flame restardant C…………………………………………………………………………………ZC 耐火Refractory or Fire-resistant……………………………………………………………..………………N 三、產(chǎn)品型號 Type1、產(chǎn)品結構示意圖product structure diagrams
產(chǎn)品型號一覽表Product model lists
注:阻燃型電纜在普通型電纜型號前加ZA、ZB、ZC。 耐火型電纜在普通型電纜型號前加N。 Note: Flame-retardant cable add ZA ,ZB, ZC before common power cable. For refractory cable or fire-resistant cable add N before the type of common cable. 3、產(chǎn)品表示方法 Product Description 產(chǎn)品型號(導體、絕緣、屏蔽、鎧裝層、護套層、額定電壓)、規格(芯數、標稱(chēng)截面)及標準編號表示 Description of product model(Conductor, insulation, armour layer, outer sheath, rated voltage), specification (core, nominal cross-section) and standard code. 例如 For example: 銅芯聚氯乙烯絕緣聚氯乙烯護套電力電纜,額定電壓0.6/1kV, 三芯, 標稱(chēng)截面300mm2,表示為: Copper core PVC insulated PVC sheathed power cable, rated voltage 0.6/1kv, three-core, nominal cross-section 300mm2, should be ad: VV-0.6/1KV-3*300 mm2 GB/T 12706.1-2008 鋁芯聚氯乙烯絕緣鋼絲鎧裝聚氯乙烯護套電力電纜,額定電壓為0.6/1kV,五芯,標稱(chēng)截面240mm2表示為: Aluminum conductor PVC insulated steel wire armored PVC sheathed power cable, rated voltage 0.6/1KV, five core, nominal cross-section 240 mm2, should be as VLV32-0.6/1kv-5*240mm2 GB/T 12706.1-2008 電纜使用特性 Cable Application Feature1、額定電壓UO/U為0.6/1KV Rated voltage UO/U is 0.6/1KV 2、電纜導體的長(cháng)期工作溫度等級為(PVC絕緣)70℃ Conductor temperature allowd during long term operation is 70℃ 3、短路時(shí)(最長(cháng)持續5S)導體最高溫度不超過(guò)250℃。 When max short circuit in 5S, max conductor temperature can not exceed 250℃ 4、電纜安裝時(shí)的環(huán)境溫度應不低于0℃ Ambient temperature can not be lower than 0℃, when cable is being installed. 5、推薦的允許彎曲半徑如下:Min bending radius allowed is as below. 電纜安裝時(shí)的最小彎曲半徑 Minimum bending radius when cable installed
(銷(xiāo)售中心)?(Tender Quatation)?(銷(xiāo)售業(yè)務(wù)對接)
工作時(shí)間 周一至周五 :8:30-17:30 周六至周六 :9:00-12:00 聯(lián)系方式 客戶(hù)經(jīng)理Customer Manager:郭經(jīng)理 手機號碼 Mobile:13580489721(微信同號);18928822020 電話(huà)號碼Tel:86-020-82986388-8153 傳真號碼 Fax:86-020-82986949 Web郵箱( E-mail):gznycables@163.com 客服郵箱 service E-mail:1091415526@qq.com 聯(lián)系地址(總部):廣州經(jīng)濟技術(shù)開(kāi)發(fā)區永和經(jīng)濟區永豐路19號-廣州南洋電纜集團有限公司 Headquarter Address:No. 19 Yongfeng Road, Yonghe Economic Zone, Guangzhou economic and Technological Development Zone 網(wǎng)站內容均受?chē)曳杉皣H公約有關(guān)著(zhù)作權、商標權、專(zhuān)利權及其他財產(chǎn)所有權法律保護,為www.nonprofitgallery.com網(wǎng)站專(zhuān)屬。未經(jīng)投標報價(jià)中心網(wǎng)站管理人明確書(shū)面授權,任何人不得變更、轉載、復制、改動(dòng)、散布任何內容,否則以侵權論,依法追究法律責任。 |